


2.享用前,可從冷凍庫取出於室溫下自然解凍即可。若欲品嚐熱呼呼的麵包,亦可在解凍後放入電鍋乾蒸或用烤土司機加熱。切片的德式麵包不建議放入烤箱加熱,因為在烤的過程水份會大量流失。請注意,絕對不可以使用微波爐! 若未切片,可將整顆麵包放入烤箱中以200度烤5分鐘,待其表面酥脆即可。其餘甜或鹹種類麵包則建議放入冷藏冰箱,並於2日內食用完畢。             

1. Do not store your bread in the fridge, it will get stale easily. Please store it in the freezer in air tight freezer bag in small portions. It can be stored for 2 weeks.
2. When you like to eat it, for the sliced bread, please put it in the toaster. We don’t recommend the oven because your bread will dry out very easily. For the whole bread loaf, if you like it crispy, after defrosting it, you can bake it in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 5 mins. It’s okay if you don’t have any oven or toaster. You can put your bread in automatic cooker & steamer without adding any water. Do not put your bread in the microwave or it will become first very soft and then stiff and dry. For the sweet & savory bread, keep in the fridge and finish your bread within 2 days.